Speak with Clarity & Confidence

I show ambitious professionals & business owners how to look and sound good when speaking in person or on video so they can make a
bigger impact and bigger income.

What to do during the last hour before you go on

to ensure a smooth presentation

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Do you feel STUCK because you avoid public speaking? 

But you know you need to get over your nerves and insecurities, speak up and stand out to advance in your career or get more clients and customers?

I get it. When I was a new entrepreneur, I felt  uncomfortable putting myself out there for the world to see, hear and judge me! I thought:

  • Would people want to learn from me?
  • What if no one watches my videos or signs up for my presentations?
  • If I can't do it perfectly, it's not worth putting out there!

But I figured: I'm not going to help a single soul if I keep quiet. I'm going to start and see what happens. So I did. I started with one Facebook Live with a makeshift setup in our guest room and realized people did watch, appreciated my insight, and I didn't embarrass myself!

So I continued, week after week, improving and building confidence each time. 

This got me noticed, multiplied my impact and my income.

Let's Get You These Results

by Speaking with Confidence & Credibility

Here's How to Kickstart Your Transformation


Intensive Session

For those of you who need help with an upcoming presentation, video shoot, podcast or media interview.


Video Visibility Session

A done-for-you approach to banging out a month’s worth of videos for social media.

Speak Up to Stand Out

1:1 Program

An 8-week program that guides you through a transformation to reduce overwhelm & fear so you can speak up and stand out as the authority you know you are.

"Working with Jessica is nothing short of transformative in my career development and I can’t thank her enough for her effective strategies and her positive and encouraging coaching. Jessica’s highly effective model encourages authenticity, and she has a unique ability of boosting my confidence by tapping into my strengths and connecting me with my audience by focusing on key messages and phrases."
Laura Maki

Modesto Junior College Dean of Science, Engineering & Mathematics

"Working with Jessica has been such a rewarding experience. Not only did she assist me in gaining confidence in public speaking, but also in crafting and executing a concise, welcoming promotional video for my business. Jessica made the process relaxing and enjoyable. She actively listened and asked pertinent questions to determine exactly what was needed."
Kirsten Stein

Founder of Athena's Advanced Academy

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Take the first step and schedule a free, no-obligation 30-minute info call to see if one of my coaching programs is a good fit for you!

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